Thursday, July 18, 2013

FTU Cluster Frame - OJ Crush

I made a new cluster frame and some extras, with My sweet friend Shannon from GrnIzDezinez  PTU Kit OJ Crush.
You can purchase GrnIzDezinez OJ Crush and all her other kits at
You can dl my cluster frame from HERE
I also made some extras with the art work of Ellie Milk.  You can purchase her work at PFD.  You must purchase her work and obtain a license to use her works. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fixed Cluster Frame

I was informed that my Celtic Babe cluster frame was not opening in most paint shop pro versions.  So I went in and corrected it, and re uploaded my rar file, and fixed the dl link.  It is now in .png format and will easily open now in all psp and photo shot programs now. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

FTU Cluster Frame - Eves Garden

I made a couple new cluster frames and some extras, with Alikas PTU kit Eves Garden.

You can purchase Alikas kit Eve's Garden and all her other kits at
You can dl cluster frame HERE
I made some extras with the work of  Ellie Milk.  You must purchase her works and obtain a license.   You can purchase her works at PFD.