Sunday, April 14, 2013

2 FTU Cluster Frames and Extras - Bunny Hop

I know, it's a little late/past Easter, but this is an early head start for next year. HAHA

I made a two new cluster frames and some extras, with Alikas Scraps PTU Kit Bunny Hop.  
Frame 1

Frame 2

You can purchase Alikas kit Bunny Hop and all her other kits at
You can dl cluster frame 1 from HERE
You can dl cluster frame 2 from HERE
I made some extras with the work of Alex Prihodko.  You must purchase his tubes and obtain a license to use his work.  You can buy his tubes at Pics For Design - PFD

Thursday, April 11, 2013

FTU Cluster Frame and Extras - Sweetly Spring

I made a new cluster frame and some extras, with Alikas Scraps PTU Kit Sweetly Spring. 

You can purchase Alikas kit Sweetly Spring and all her other kits at

You can dl the cluster frame from HERE 

I made some extras with the work of VeryMany.  You must purchase her tubes and obtain a license to use her work.  You can buy her tubes at Pics For Design - PFD and also at VeryMany Tubes.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

FTU Cluster Frame and Extras - Girl Talk

I made this Freebie Cluster frame with PTU kit 'Girl Talk' By Tyger of Tygers Tidbits.

You can purchase Tygers Kits at Twilight Scraps and Digi Fox Studio.
Here blog is TygersTidbits
You can snag my frame HERE

I made some extras with the work of VeryMany.  You must purchase her tubes and obtain a license to use her work.  You can buy her tubes at Pics For Design - PFD and also at VeryMany Tubes.